Family Medicine Courses in Livingstone

Online Family medicine Course in Livingstone

Diploma for Doctors Dot. Com. is leading Institute of family medicine diploma courses in Livingstone. Family medicine courses is a subject that provide complete care of individual, families and communities in various aspect of biomedical, behavioural and the social science. We have different specialist to diagnose the diseases.  We have post-graduation (PG) diploma in family medicine in Livingstone for medical doctors. We have fellowship in family medicine in Livingstone for MBBS doctors. Diploma for doctors in family medicine help us to enhance knowledge of primary care physician. Certificate in family medicine in Livingstone is distance short term courses as well as online courses for practitioner doctors.

Post Graduate (PG) Diploma in Family Medicine –

PG Diploma in Family medicine in Livingstone is available for mbbs doctors or equivalent foreign degree. It is 1 year diploma in family medicine for doctors in Livingstone. PG Diploma in family medicine for doctors deliver online as well as offline. We have 5 day contact classes at our campus and rest distance learning. We will offer UGC approved university diploma certificate for this course as well as send study material, assignment and contact class details.

Fellowship in Family Medicine –

Fellowship in family medicine is 1 year program and 8 week training in Livingstone. Fellowship in family medicine in Livingstone will provide you comprehensive knowledge of primary health care. Our clinical training program help you to enhance your clinical skill.

Objective of family medicine courses in Livingstone is to provide comprehensive and continuing care of patience care of all age of group as well as provide knowledge and skill of healthcare professional. Fellowship in family medicine courses in Livingstone will provide knowledge of various topics of medical and surgical emergency, adult medicine, pedestrians, Geriatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology, Infectious, Emerging, and Sexually Transmitted Diseases, dermatology, psychiatry, Ophthalmology and ENT, Sexual Problems and Abuse, Diagnostic Medicine and Wellness and Lifestyle.

Various doctors are searching carrier in family medicine in Livingstone. Fellowship in family medicine and diploma in family medicine in Livingstone is best demanding courses in Livingstone for mbbs doctors. We have both distance learning or online course as well as onsite campuses coursers available in Livingstone. After MBBS doctor can make choice of Post Graduate (PG) Diploma in Family medicine in Livingstone. We are providing case study based e learning program of family medicine program for doctors in Livingstone. You can contact our team for courses fees, curriculum, program and courses durations in Livingstone.

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